Word from the President
Dear friends of Schweitzer, AGAAS, Gabonese Association of Friends of Albert Schweitzer, is one year old. This structure came to take full charge of activities dedicated to the sustainability of humanist thought and the work of Doctor Albert Schweitzer within the association MODE (Moyen Ogooué Development and Ecology) which has more globalizing ambitions.

The legend forged on the banks of the Ogooué since 1913 by Dr Albert Schweitzer is crowned by the obtaining of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952 and the globalization of humanist thought in the service of his Work.
Many personalities have made the immersion trip to "this village where we heal" (Abbé Pierre, in 1961).
Upon the death of Doctor Albert Schweitzer in Lambaréné on September 4, 1965, the future Gabonese president, Albert Bernard Bongo, read a message: “Great Doctor, your work of life and human fraternity will continue in the Gabon of tomorrow. »
Lambaréné, the historical base of an overly human adventure, cannot continually remain on the sidelines of this movement which restructures the global ecology of the planet in crisis, taking into account the neighbor’s right to inventory as well as the civic duty, to give birth a bright future for future generations.
AGAAS wishes, alongside other associations, to work to make the work and thought of Doctor Albert Schweitzer visible and sustainable.
In these years of all the uncertainties built by our inability to generate more social justice, we are invited to review our way of being for ourselves and for others, because our destinies are linked and intertwined.
Through this report, we would like to present our various activities to you and hope for more commitment, more solidarity and sharing in the years to come.
The good future of mankind depends on it.
To the Foundations of AGAAS
This first activity report commits the Gabonese Association of Friends of Albert Schweitzer (AGAAS) to play an increasingly decisive role among the Schweitzerian dynamics that continue to spread across the planet.
This role began in 1987 as part of the Socio-Cultural Days of Moyen-Ogooué, during which a memorable visit to the Albert Schweitzer Hospital and the eponymous museum was organized. Several young people of the time, some of whom are now members of AGAAS, had drawn from this visit the humanist vocation at the origin of their commitment to works of solidarity, especially in favor of young people in school.
Over the past three decades, various charitable initiatives have thus often been carried out on an individual basis. The current engagement within AGAAS responds to the need to see these humanitarian experiences converge and refocus them around the authentic Schweitzerian ideal.
AGAAS therefore wishes to offer a structured framework to mobilize more support for the Schweitzerian cause, for the sustainability of the thought and work of Albert Schweitzer, as well as for the rehabilitation and conservation of the Schweitzerian remains of Lambaréné.
1- On the background, portrait of Albert Schweitzer,
2- Three characters support each other in solidarity to support the globe;
3- The image of the palm tree symbolizes the geographic and cultural context of Gabon. It was in this country that Dr Albert Schweitzer was inspired by the principle of respect for life, the common thread of his thought and his humanitarian work. This country preserves the remains of Schweitzer forever.

To perpetuate the memory and work of Dr Albert Schweitzer
Main Goal
- Restore and conserve the schweitzerian remains of Lambaréné
- Raise public awareness about the thought, life and legacy of Albert Schweitzer
- Raise public awareness on the direct link between Albert Schweitzer's thinking and sustainable development.
- Mobilize human, technical and financial resources for the achievement of the general objective.
Specific Goals
Bureau exécutif
President : Louis Marie Félix AMBOUROUET ONANGA
Vice-président : Lucile MEKAMA
Secretary General: Antoine PANDZOU
Deputy Secretary General : Marlyfri HEGA ADEMBA
Treasurer : Ghislaine MBOUROU OYEMBOT
Training and communication officer : Ghislain AKITA IWOLO
External relations officer : Rénima AMBOUROUET-ONANGA
Social Affairs Officer : Régina Aworet Oberdeno
The raison d'être, the ambitions and the functioning of the agaas are founded among others on the following affirmation of Albert Schweitzer: because I trust in the power of the truth and the spirit, I believe in the future of humanity.
The action of AGAAS is based on a clear conviction: the Schweitzerian spirit is more useful than ever in current debates on sustainable development, the survival of the planet, as well as on the project of universal brotherhood.
Indeed, Agaas promotes the idea that each individual or group of individuals has a role to play in ensuring the prevalence of the solidarity necessary for the socio-economic progress of humanity. She therefore wishes to make her modest contribution to the great Schweitzerian family which continues to spread across the planet.
The AGAAS wishes the multiplication of united citizenships and charitable actions, on the basis of the Schweitzerian principle of Respect for life.
Our Values
Our Organisation
After two decades of free and ad hoc activities, AGAAS now opts for more structured and broader partnerships, including with public authorities and other institutions sensitive to its values. AGAAS thus makes the choice of legalization by registering with the Gabonese Ministry in charge of associations. It is now governed according to the provisions of Law 35/62 governing the life of associations.
This option could increase membership and provide a more secure working environment from a governance perspective.
Thus, the annual work program is adopted by all members during an Assembly.
Our Resources
In accordance with the statutes, the resources of AGAAS mainly consist of membership fees and contributions, as well as donations and bequests. Income from activities and services are also called upon to constitute a significant source of income.
AGAAS pursues non-profit goals: its resources are thus directed exclusively towards humanitarian action, and managed according to democratic and participatory principles.
The management competence of the agaas is a corollary of its effectiveness in the field and an indicator of the sincerity of the commitment of those in charge.
By supporting local communities and fostering initiatives rooted in Schweitzer’s principles, we strive to create a brighter, healthier future for all.

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PO box: 6.693 Libreville (Gabon)