Welcome to Our Official Website

Thinker, Humanist, Philanthropist, and Physician, Albert SCHWEITZER dedicated his life to improving the conditions of his fellow human beings through selflessness.

The Friends of Albert SCHWEITZER are committed to preserving and perpetuating his ideas and work, passing on this flame to future generations.

Toward inclusion in UNESCO’s cultural heritage!

"Because I have faith in the power of Truth and Spirit, I believe in the future of humanity."

Albert Schweitzer

Who We Are

A young association administratively, but forged over many years in the thought and work of Dr Albert Schweitzer, the AGAAS has the major challenge of reconnecting the umbilical cord existing between the Schweitzerian dynamics of the planet and the city of Lambaréné.

Our values


The raison d'être, the ambitions and the functioning of the agaas are founded among others on the following affirmation of Albert Schweitzer: because I trust in the power of the truth and the spirit, I believe in the future of humanity.

The action of AGAAS is based on a clear conviction: the Schweitzerian spirit is more useful than ever in current debates on sustainable development, the survival of the planet, as well as on the project of universal brotherhood.

Agaas promotes the idea that each individual has a role to play in ensuring the prevalence of the solidarity necessary for the socio-economic progress of humanity. She wishes to make her modest contribution to the great Schweitzerian family .


The AGAAS wishes the multiplication of united citizenships and charitable actions, on the basis of the Schweitzerian principle of Respect for life.

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