In 2020, the role of AGAAS was particularly focused on:
International missions, Communication, Field actions.
Actions on the ground were hampered by the context of the state of health emergency. However, major objectives were achieved through working session in the Cabinet of the Minister of National Education, to present the Schweitzer’s Day project. The Minister did us the honor of receiving us in audience at his Cabinet. We presented the AGAAS and its activity plans to him and requested the involvement of the Ministry to:
- The organization of a day at national level first, dedicated to the life and work of Albert Schweitzer: SCHWEITZER’S DAY, 90 minutes for the Gift of Self. This event would take place every April 16.

- Taking into account in school curricula the existence of the Great Gabonese Men;
-Working session of June 18, 2019 with the President of the International Foundation of the Dr Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné (FISL). The exchange of views made it possible to envisage synergies of actions to preserve and promote the legacy of Dr Albert Schweitzer.
-Working session of March 04, 2020 with the Director General of Cultural Heritage at the Gabonese Ministry of Culture and Arts. This meeting inaugurates the advocacy process initiated by AGAAS to relaunch the nomination file of the former Albert Schweitzer hospital as a World Heritage Site. (Report attached)
-Working session of February 26, 2020, with the local President of the NGO ODL
-Meeting of March 05, 2020 on the preparatory work for Schweitzer Day 2020 Social initiatives.
-Bring young people from Colleges and High Schools in Lambaréné to visit the Albert Museum and get to know Man and his Work;
-Organization of inter-district competitions in Lambaréné: Songho, Checkers' game.
-Started in 2017, the sponsorship of the schooling of the student of Lake Gomé continued, with a view to obtaining the BEPC this year;
-Rehabilitation of the Paintings of the School of Gomé (Lac Gomé);
- Distribution of gifts to underprivileged children in Lambaréné neighborhoods, during the chrismas ;
- Offer meals to senior citizens on the occasion of the Independence Day, from the Grand Village district in Lambaréné;
- Payment of the Canal + subscription, at the Maison D’Ecoute in the Village Lumière. Missions and contacts for international partnerships
Canada: University of Montreal
Meeting on December 1, 2019 with the Head of External Affairs of the University of Montreal. The discussions focused on research, alternative medicine and tropical diseases. AGAAS wishes to help follow up on the perspectives opened up by the Lambaréné symposium held in July 2013.
France: Association LA CHAINE DE L’ESPOIR
Meeting with the Founding President of the NGO LA CHAINE DE L’ESPOIR, Doctor Alain DELOCHE. The latter is imbued with the realities of the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné, having attended the July 2013 centenary in Lambaréné, and says he is ready to provide his expertise to the Albert Schweitzer Hospital.
Many partnerships are possible, because the very heart of his work remains Lambaréné. We must therefore work together to ensure that actions and activities can be proposed, validated, financed and executed in the short, medium and long term.
The only winner will be SCHWEITZER and just him.

A recently legalized association, AGAAS needs to make itself known, especially by the public, institutions and partners.
At the same time, it is about raising awareness in public opinion in order to put the thought and work of Doctor Albert Sch-weitzer back at the center of reflections and debates. Naturally, the city of Lambaréné should derive real benefit from it by placing itself at the heart of the dynamics of Schweitzer.
- Lambaréné, Albert Schweitzer and Nous (October 2019)
- Marketing document from the city of Lambaréné (January 2020)
- Keep the old Albert Schweitzer hospital for the younger generations and those of the future (Journal L’UNION of February 21, 2020)
- Albert Schweitzer, "ambassador of humanity" (L’UNION newspaper of September 18, 2020)
2021 calendar
Four hundred (400) calendars were distributed to the public, institutions and partners. They convey thoughts of Dr Albert Schweitzer and present the main activities planned for 2021.
Linking structures
- Website
- Facebook page
The budget executed in 2020 is 2,073,265 AXF and this despite the very difficult context in our country and around the world, mainly because of the covid-19 pandemic.
The various calls for funds were able to collect a sum of 2,200,000 AXF.
The retained earnings in our coffers amount to 146,735 AXF.
Travel outside the country was not funded by the AGAAS Fund. Association funds are insufficient or even non-existent.
Project funding remains the work of a few patrons.
In doing so, the planned activities could be fully funded, as a whole.
Income-generating activities could not be scheduled due to restrictions due to the Covid 19 pandemic, which continues to rage around the world.
While it is true that the economic situation is very difficult, we must learn or re-learn how to pay at least the dues owed by members, for the proper functioning of the administration of AGAAS.
The internal funding of AGAAS should undoubtedly represent the first financial resources.
We remind you that contributions can be paid monthly or annually.
Also we must make a particular efort so that our contributions and calls for internal funds can cover all of our fixed costs, to thus show the seriousness of our actions, considered, and accepted by the majority of the members of the AGAAS.
We will then be able to appeal for donations, donations and later on public aid.
For the year 2021, we have proposed the following projects to the assembly which approved the projects below (see project sheets in the appendix)
- The second edition of Schweitzer’s Day April 2021;
- Networking for the inclusion of the former Albert SCHWEITZER hospital on the indicative list of UNESCO heritage in May 2021;
- The Organization of the Seminar on the Thought and Work of Albert Schweitzer;
- Making of Greeting Cards and AGAAS calendar, November 2021
- Meal offered to GEFs and Senior Citizens, December 202;
- Annual Report of Activities and meals offered to Members & Sympathizers.
· Laptop
· Printer
· An Internet connection
Two Investments are planned for the acquisition of computer equipment.
By supporting local communities and fostering initiatives rooted in Schweitzer’s principles, we strive to create a brighter, healthier future for all.

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